The academic

Basic information
Name: Adderpaw
Past names: Wyvern (outsider name)
Future names: [warrior name]
Nicknames: -
Age: 8 moons
Rank: Shadowclan apprentice
Identity: Female, Omnisexual leaning towards mollies

Physical Traits - Reference
Fur Color(s): Dark, dark brown, with some orange and pale cream color
Fur Texture: Stiff and sleek
Fur Length: short
Markings: A few orange spots and white creamcolored belly and chest
Eye Color: Dark green
Height and weight: A bit more on the slender size but not unusually tall
Scars/deformations: A few minor cuts that are still visible on her coat, but nothing too noticable
Voice: Smooth, silky when she wills it so, calm
Gait: Measured, smooth
Scent: Pine, fabric, news paper
Coordination: Exellent
Reflexes: Exellent but she is very reactive and can therefore also come off as jumpy
Strength: Good but she wants to work on that
Sociability: She grew up in the streets and still believes that everyone is only ever out for themselves so... yeah not great
Outlook: Some call her pessimistic, but she has hope for some things, she just prefers being plesentally surprised over being disapointed
Responsibility: Exellent, takes her duty very seriously and hates the feeling of not beig productive enough
Cleanliness: Good, she feel uncomfortable with grime or dust in her fur and having a smooth coat helps protect against the weather
Generosity: Belives that everyone is only ever out for themselves, so she should be too (but will help cats she cares about)
Manners: Very good usually, sometimes more loose around cats she doesn't have as much respect for
Bravery: She can be brave sometimes, but has also learned never to willingly engade in battles she isn't sure she can win
Logical or emotional?: Logical
Growing up in the streets of a city doesn't raise a particularly well-adjusted cat, and behind her veils of control, paranoia festers like a parasite. Sometimes it has helped save her skin, but most of the time it causes her to go to great lengths to prevent the things she fears will happen and the dangers she anticipates.
Something about silence has always unnerved her. She is used to always being aware of her surroundings, to sleep with one eye open, and never turning her back on a threat, and she has no problem working without being distracted by things like the wind in the leaves of the sound of cars in the distance, every-day-noise doesn't bother her, but silence does. Because there is never nothing happening, nature is never completely dead-still, so when everything is in total silence, it's not because nothing is out there, something always is, and not being able to detect it is terrifying to her.
She has always been very focused on being productive, to make the most out of everything, and to never waste her daylight. And that means always choosing the most productive thing to do. Always. That's why she often has anxiety over the "what if" of it all, and the fact that she can't know the exact outcomes of all of her choices bothers her more than she'd like to admit.
Manipulative and cunning. Those are two things she was taught to become at a very early age when growing up in the streets, and they are skills she intends to both hone and put to good use. While she hasn't had a lot of socializing with more than her own kin and a few allies she's made throughout her short life, and isn't a smooth-talker yet, she has grown a lot better at taking note of cat's body language, tone, subtle ques and hints they forget to mask.
Loyalty is not just a thing you learn in the environment she was raised in, it's something you survive by, and after watching her littermate be executed by her grandfather for betrayal, Adderpaw hammered it into herself that betraying someone was the worst crime someone could commit. This means she will go to the end of the earth to fulfill the wishes of whoever she has sworn loyalty to, but also that she is prepared to kill whoever breaks her or her leader's trust.
- Has the ability Dreamwalker, making it so that she can pull other sleeping cats into a shared dream without spiritual intervention
- Growing up in the streets, Adderpaw uses a few words that most cats in the clans do not knoww (bc i made them up lol)
- Crowtale = something that is not true, a tale that's been spun up by a crow
- Dog-baiter = someone who pushes their luck, like running after dogs
- Pile of pigeonfood = someone weak, who could be picked to pieces by a pigeon
- Eyes wide open by Sabrina Carpenter
- You're gonna to far, kid
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