The dreamer

Basic information
Name: Springkit
Past names: N/A
Future names: Springpaw, warrior name TBD
- "Springy" what Cowskip used to call him
- "Littlespring" unofficial nickname by Springsight
Age: 5 moons, aged every 1st
Rank: Riverclan kit
Identity: Male, sexuality TBD

Physical Traits
Fur Color(s): A very light grey that might appear white it if wasn't for his white markings
Fur Texture: Thick and kittensoft but usually smooth
Fur Length: Average
Markings: Might muzzle surrounded by a mask of darker grey; grey ears; dark socks on his front legs but with white paws; short, white and grey stripped tail
Eye Color: One yellow, one blue
Height and weight: Still a bit chubby like other kits but will grow more slender but still not very tall
Voice: Curious
Gait: Quick, kittenish, bouncy
Scent: So far just moss, milk, and occasionally like his mother
Coordination: Decent for a kit
Reflexes: Good for a kit
Strength: Decent for a kit

Sociability: Good, he loves being around others as long as it isn't too hectic
Outlook: Hopeful and sometimes overly optimistic, if a bit clouded by self-doubt
Responsibility: Good and he wants to appear dutiful
Cleanliness: Good when he remembers
Generosity: Very good, sometimes even to his own detriment as he tends to sacrifice too much
Manners: Generally very good for his age, even if youthful excitement still sometimes sweeps him up and carries him away, he tends to apologize afterward in those cases however
Bravery: Not the best
Logical or emotional?: He tries to think as logically as he is able to but still feels things very deeply and sometimes it takes over
Trustworthy: Spring strives to be someone others can rely on and come to if they need to get something off their chest. It also shows when he puts effort into remembering what cats close to him like and dislike, and making sure to note things just in case they might want to know about it later. He also wants to make sure that others never feel under pressure around him and are comfortable with not being perfect, and he often goes to extra lengths to make sure of this.
Hopeful: Running on a beating heart and led by a head full of dreams and a wide-eyed kit's curiosity, Spring has never been one to sit still. There always seems to be something about tomorrow that he looks forward to and you would be hard-pressed to find someone as enthusiastic
Competent: Always wanting to find out just how far one can go mixes strangely with a deep fear of failure though, and the latter is a trait Spring has done his very best to bury since forever, but still, it often rears its ugly head and causes him to freeze up when he is supposed to attempt something new. Because of this he often prefers to work with only one cat when training and then practice a lot alone where no one can see him so that mistakes and bad form can be polished out before anything can see them. It sometimes looks like he gets strangely good at some things rather quickly, but in actuality, it's not any kind of talent as much as it is practice, but Spring hasn't quite wanted to stop being called gifted and hasn't revealed how much he trains alone.
Inquisitive: Ever the curious mind, there is little that does not interest Spring, and is there is ever an opportunity to learn something new (be it a lesson, some interesting event to take part in, or even a tale to hear) he'll be there.
Observant: Knowledge however isn't something you can get without listening, and this is something Spring is well aware of. He was never the center of anything other than his mother's love and has learned that cats around him tend to have valuable wisdom to share if you only care to listen. He rarely means to eavesdrop on others or try and find out if he senses that they are hiding something, but it happens that he in the heat of the moment forgets that it might be considered stepping over someone's lines.
Caring: To love others is to breathe, and Spring has never been known to feel things shallowly. Still, there is worry entangled in almost whatever he does, and loving is no different. Because what if they don't care about you as much as you care about them, what if something happens that you can't forgive, what if you get into a fight you can't resolve... what if one day they leave?
Dreaming: The few times Spring slows down his mind tends to start wandering. He is pretty bad at just sitting down and resting and being understimulated actually tends to stress him out so when he is not doing anything else, his imagination takes over for him.
- Make it Through by Leanna Crawfrod
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