The soldier

"We become the adults we needed as kits. I will create a world that doesn't need me."

Basic information
Name: Hawkcatcher
Past names: Swiftkit, Swiftpaw, Swiftrunner
Future names: -
Age: 69 moons, aged every 7th
Rank: Thunderclan warrior
Identity: Female, has never thought about her sexuality too much but think she is lesbian (actually grey-asexual Panromantic)
Physical Traits
Fur Color(s): Dark brown
Fur Texture: A bit ragged but mostly think and smooth when she remembers to clean it
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Is a Maine Coon- Bengal mix and has some Bengal markings on her back, they mostly transtion into stripes on her legs, tail, and face though
Eye Color: Dark amber
Height and weight: Tall and bigboned
Scars/deformations: Many smaller markings, mainly from many battles, but most notable and old injury in her hindleg (almost fully healed though), two clawmarks running over the right side of her muzzle, and two deeper marks over her shoulders
Voice: Low, pretty stern and business-like, sometimes even raspy
Gait: Slow, measured (she occasionally has a slightly uneven gait after an old injury in her leg, but it has almost fully healed)
Scent: Oak, thorns, shrew, and occationally petricore
Coordination: Good
Reflexes: Excellent
Strength: Very strong
Sociability: Not too great. Hawkcatcher is rather straightforward and stern cat, and having low expectations for just about everything expect herself mixed with a generally pessimistic outlook doesn't mix too well with making friends. She will keep her loved ones very close however
Outlook: Pessimistic
Responsibility: Excellent, she takes her duty very seriously
Cleanliness: She tries to remember to clean up every evening before going to bed, but mainly just does so before gathers when she has to put on a good image for her clan
Generosity: She will always choose to hunt herself to death and not to eat over letting her clanmates go hungry, but rarely offers the same selflessness towards cats who are not her clanmates
Manners: Very good. She holds herself to very high standards, but can also seem very stiff and occasionally snaps at ruder cats
Bravery: Brave, but prefers to act within reason
Logical or emotional?: Logical. Always.
Pessimistic, prepared, watchful, loyal, devoted, passionate, pragmatic, action-taking, caring, careful
- Has the Mind Reader purrk, abling her to tell when someone is lying
- Actually has a surprisingly deep appreciation for certain things, and has many times left camp late to watch the stars or sunset, even if she rarely shows this side of herself
- Doesn't like to talk about the fact that she is partially an outsider, and is generally rather hostile and cold towards other clancats and outsiders compared to the unshakable loyalty and devotion she shows her own clanmates
- After years and years, her legs finally healed to the point where she could run normally, but she is still careful not to injure them again
- Medicine Cat Application
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