

Tour (completed)

Battle training (completed)

Stealth training (completed)

Hunting training (completed)

Basic swimming lessons (in progress)




Completed patrols

  • Riverclan border patrol x x
  • Herb patrol x x x x
  • Herb patrol x x x x
  • Windclan border patrol x x x


Fighting: Basic swipe, dodging, rolling, pouncing someone's back

Hunting: Hunter's crouch, pouncing

Stealth: Stalking, masking your scent, moving silently through marshland

Healing: none



Mostly from herb patrols assinged to her

Elder - bushy plant with a multitude of long oval leaves that end in a point and has many clusters of small white flowers, being the branch’s as I have used for both the leaves and flowers. She knows it's scent.

Juniper berries - from smaller conifer type trees and have a blue powdered look to them

Lady’s mantle - a domed bushy cluster of small yellow flowers with large, ruffled leaves at its base. She knows it's scent

Mallow - pinkish purple flowers that have a deeper purple veining and white edges, plus it also has deeply verdant, ruffled, circular leaves

Poppy - tall stemmed flowers with outreaching ruffled leaves and vermillion flowers that have deep bluish black hues around a yellow bead like centre

Marigold - She knows it's scent and has seen it

Tormentil - four-petalled, yellow flowers. The leaves are glossy and deeply toothed with three lobes and silvery undersides. 

Chickweed - leaves are bright light-green, hairless, nearly rounded with pointed tips. The stems is hairy and it has solo white flowers. Feels sticky to the touch.

Chamomile - Yellow or white flowers, an' is almost daisy-like with bulbous yellow centers and thin stems. the leaves are branch-like."